Thursday, March 5, 2020

Experiments in Physical Chemistry - 6th Edition Review

Experiments in Physical Chemistry - 6th Edition ReviewIn the 6th edition of Experiments in Physical Chemistry, you will learn all about organic molecules, chemicals and their reactions. If you're an expert chemist who prefers to use some of the simpler techniques while making use of the more advanced procedures, this book is for you.This edition of Experiments in Physical Chemistry is nothing new; it is a reprint of the previous editions. There are several improvements in this edition that can't be found in the first and second editions. For example, they have added a chapter on bio-organic chemistry, which focuses on the synthesis of numerous valuable compounds such as the polysaccharides and sugars, the bacterial super-antibiotics, and many others.To make this book suitable for the novice chemist, the same experts have refrained from adding unnecessary new information in this edition. They still cover all the bases and provide you with ample material to keep you busy in the lab. Th e book contains both lab and laboratory instructions. The lab instructions are short and sweet, while the laboratory instructions are more in depth and elaborate.Experimenters will find that the new chapter on the theta basis exchange of monomers is very useful. They have chosen to include this chapter because inorganic chemistry is all about exchanging a set of atoms.Experimenters may not be aware of this but if the reaction they are trying to perform has a step where a few atoms have to be changed, then the transformation of the experiment will take much longer. As a result, the actual experiment must go on for a longer time than expected. So, if your experiment needs to go for a long time, the utilization of the experiment to use the maximum possible sample size is a must.Experiments in Physical Chemistry was one of the first books Iever purchased. Although I am not sure whether I went through the whole first edition or the later editions but I surely want to read the new version . I have tried out the book a couple of times and I had never found any errors. For example, I had a hard time figuring out why the experiments using glucose had a shorter experiment time than the experiment using fructose.One thing I am unsure about is the difference between lab instructions and laboratory instructions. I suspect the latter are the better and cheaper options but let me find out for myself. I am actually planning to buy the second edition of Experiments in Physical Chemistry. Now, if only I had thought of that while making my purchase!

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